"Children do well if they can."
Psychiatric Day Treatment also referred to as “Intensive Treatment Services” or “Day Treatment”, provides therapeutic and educational resources to children and families.
The program serves children (ages 6-13) that deal with emotional and behavioral challenges. Behavior Specialists work with the children in a safe, structured, therapeutic environment to provide support and help them learn skills. Our team does this by leading daily therapeutic groups to teach skills and coping mechanisms, working within the Collaborative Problem Solving model, nature connection therapy, and assistance with transitioning back to public school when treatment goals have been met. Our team works together with families to identify lagging skills, set goals, and help get development back on track. Our goal is to help children and families thrive.
During the school year, the classroom is led by a Lincoln County School District teacher and teaching assistant.
Children are referred to Day Treatment Services by Lincoln County's Inter-Agency Planning Team including Lincoln County Health and Human Services Mental Health Division, Lincoln County School District, and community mental health and psychiatric providers.
If you have questions about Day Treatment, call us at (541) 336-2254.
Senate Bill 710 was passed in the regular 2021 legislative session and outlines new provisions for what is prohibited and permissible relating to physical holds and involuntary seclusion of children receiving services from licensed child-caring agencies. It is important to note mechanical or chemical restraints are never used in our programs. Olalla Center has successfully implemented these changes in the way that we utilize physical interventions with the youth that we serve. Click here to learn more.
Olalla Center Day Treatment utilizes Nonviolent Crisis Intervention to help maintain the safety and wellbeing of youth in situations that pose potential harm to themselves or others. This evidence-based intervention training equips our staff to focus on recognizing problems before they become unsafe behaviors, while using verbal de-escalation skills, least restrictive intervention and debriefing practices to build skills and avoid further incidents. We continue to lean into trauma-informed practices that help youth build skills around safety for themselves in their process of healing and personal growth.
Olalla Center has one program, Day Treatment, where physical interventions are utilized to help maintain safety when all other options have been exhausted.
SB710 added new reporting requirements anytime physical holds and involuntary seclusion are used with a child in care. A report of required information will be provided to the state each quarter for oversight. Olalla Center also uses ongoing internal structures to make sure that all use of physical holds and seclusions are evaluated so that we can take steps to minimize physical intervention and help build skills of safety for our youth and the staff working with them. Our teams are committed to transparency of the interventions we utilize. We, also recognize that this data does not always tell the full story of how youth grow and heal on their journey toward discharge to their home community. We encourage families or community members to reach out with any concerns or questions.
Restraint and Involuntary Seclusion Report (SB710)
Children entering into Day Treatment will typically have met the following criteria:
Difficulty maintaining behaviors needed to succeed in a regular classroom/child care setting.
Experienced a significant disruption in functioning for an extended period of time (typically more than 6 months).
Demonstrated need for a higher level of care than WRAP; meaning that coordination of prior solutions offered by the school, physicians, and outpatient mental health counseling has not significantly reduced challenges at the time of referral.
Family and youth are willing and able to attend and engage in treatment actively.
The child is intellectually capable of comprehending the treatment used in the program and has a diagnosis that benefits from this type of treatment.
The child does not significantly endanger other children already being treated at Olalla indicating a need for a higher level of care.
Approved by InterAgency Planning Team
Weekly Individual Therapy
Weekly Family Therapy
Monthly WRAP Meetings
Weekly Group Therapy
Daily Activity Therapy (Group Skills Training)
Daily Milieu Therapy
Quarterly Psychiatric Consultations with Medication Review and Recommendations being provided to Primary Care Provider.
Day Treatment is funded through the families' private insurance or Oregon Health Plan's Medicaid plans. To verify whether your insurance covers Day Treatment contact them and verify coverage for Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization. It is important to maintain your coverage for the duration of services.