On September 27th, our Arcoíris Cultural Program Manager Alex Llumiquinga received national recognition from the Epsilon Sigma Phi organization in the city of Billings, Montana.
The recognition reads as follows:
Epsilon Sigma Phi
The Extension Professionals' Organization
Alex Llumiquinga
as the 2023 Friend of Extension Professional Business Leader
Alex Llumiquinga is a phenomenal community partner, human being, and friend. He always steps up in service of others, with a goal of building stronger communities and increasing connection while assisting with providing access and information to those who are often overlooked. Everything Alex does, he does with a smile on his face and joy in his heart. Everyone who has the pleasure to know him and work with him understands how fortunate they are. Extension owes a debt of gratitude to Alex for his community service including support for COVID-19 management and recovery.
