Olalla Center will co-host its 13th Covid-19 vaccination clinic August 20th from 4-8 pm at La Juquilita Mexican grocery store in Newport. With Lincoln County Public Health, Olalla Center is offering a $25 voucher for food to those receiving their first dose shot.
The clinic is complete with Spanish translators, most likely music, and information regarding the vaccinations to those who request. Guatemalan and Latina/o/x populations are target communities, but all people are welcome to any Olalla Center event.
To date Olalla Center ensured hundreds of Lincoln County's underserved residents received protection against Covid-19. Barriers of transportation, language, hours of availability, and misinformation were broken down to allow our population to remain healthy.
With the support and partnerships of: Lincoln County Public Health; Rite Aid Lincoln City; Lincoln City Cultural Center; Newport First Baptist Church; La Juaquilita Mexican Grocery Store; Juntos en Collaboracion; Oregon Health Authority; Lincoln County Fair Board; Pac West Ambulance; Newport Fire Department; Dr. Gavin Shumate; Rogue Brewery; Oregon State Extension Office; and many more, these clinics are possible.
Call (541) 819-0436 or (541) 283-5876 for more information or to reserve a vaccine at an upcoming event.